Who We Are
We are an open-minded faith community that welcomes people of every age, race, gender identity, nationality, ethnicity, and sexual orientation. Our church family is made up from people of many different family structures, economic realities, physical and mental ability, education and faith experiences. That is part of what makes us great. While there are differences among us, we practice loving respect even though we may not always think alike.
We welcome all who desire to participate in this nurturing community. We’re on an exciting journey of faith toward a life of greater love, understanding, and mutual respect. We seek to serve those in need, both globally and locally.
Some of us are just beginning our faith journey. Some of us have been on the path much of our lives. Most of us are somewhere in the middle. Wherever you are in your faith journey, here at FCC, you will find others who are seekers of the sacred, all living the questions as best we are able.
Our Mission Statement
An inclusive Christian community -
celebrating diversity, encouraging spiritual growth, and demonstrating God's love through service.

We are an Open and Affirming Church
What is Open and Affirming? "Open and Affirming" (ONA) is the designation for congregations in the United Church of Christ that have adopted a public covenant that welcomes all people regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity fully into the church's life and ministry. Churches become ONA to send a clear message that God's welcome is for all people and that this particular church is a safe place for the LGBTQA+ community. We acknowledge God's acceptance of every individual and Jesus' commandment to love one another. We strive for justice and equality for all of God's children.